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1月生,1999年获得江西农业大学园艺学学士,2005年获得中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所理学博士。20058月进入上海交通大学生命科学技术学院工作,讲师、副教授(2009年)、教授(2016年)。2006-2007年受英国皇家学会Royal Society Fellowship资助,在英国诺丁汉大学植物系进行了为期一年访问学习。研究方向是水稻生殖生物学,主持自然科学基金项目、国家转基因生物新品种培育重大专项、上海市科委重点基础研究计划等项目,在Nature CommunicationsPlant PhysiologyMolecular PlantJournal of Integrative Plant BiologyCurrent Opinion in Plant BiologyAnnual Review in Plant Biology等期刊发表论文30多篇。





1.     2012年,水稻、玉米、油菜转基因产品内标准基因检测方法及标准化,上海市科学技术进步奖,一等奖,排名第9

2.     2016年,上海交通大学2016年度教学成果二等奖,拔尖人才培养模式在生命科学实验教学中的探索、实践及推广应用,排名第5

3.     2016年,上海交通大学“SMC-晨星学者奖励计划”优秀青年教师(A类)



1) Hu CY, Li QL, Shen XF, Quan S, Lin H, Duan L, Wang YF, Luo Q, Qu GR, Han Q, Lu Y, Zhang DB, Yuan Z*, Shi JX*. Characterization of factors underlying the metabolic shifts in developing kernels of colored maize. Sci Rep. 2016, 6:35479. (*corresponding author)

2) Li QL, Zhang DB, Chen MJ, Liang WQ, Wei JJ, Qi YP, Yuan Z*. Development of japonica photo-sensitive genic male sterile rice lines by editing carbon starved anther using CRISPR/Cas9. J Genet Genomics, 2016, 43: 415-419. (*corresponding author)

3) Fan W, Zong J, Luo ZJ, Chen MJ, Zhao XX, Zhang DB, Qi YP, Yuan Z*. Development of a RAD-seq based DNA polymorphism identification software, AgroMarker Finder, and its application in rice marker-assisted breeding. PLOS ONE, 2016, 11(1):e0147187. (*corresponding author)
4) Yuan Z, Zhang DB*. Roles of jasmonate signalling in plant inflorescence and flower development. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 2015, 27: 44-51.

5) Hu Y, Liang WQ, Yin CS, Yang XL, Ping BZ, Li AX, Jia R, Chen MJ, Luo ZJ, Cai Q, Zhao XX, Zhang DB, Yuan Z*. Interactions of OsMADS1 with floral homeotic genes in rice flower development. Molecular Plant, 2015, 8(9): 1366-1384. (*corresponding author)

6) Lü Y, Cui X, Li R, Huang P, Zong J, Yao D, Li G, Zhang DB, Yuan Z*. Development of genome-wide insertion/deletion markers in rice based on graphic pipeline platform. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57(11): 980-991. (*corresponding author)

7) Wang H, Zhang L, Cai Q, Hu Y, Jin Z, Zhao X, Fan W, Huang Q, Luo Z, Chen M, Zhang D, Yuan Z*. OsMADS32 interacts with B-function proteins and regulates rice flower development. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2015, 57(5):504-513. (*corresponding author)

8) Cai Q, Yuan Z (co-first author), Chen MJ, Yin CS, Luo ZJ, Zhao XX, Liang WQ, Hu JP, Zhang DB. Jasmonic acid regulates spikelet development in rice. Nature Communications. 2014, 25: 3476.

9) Li H, Yuan Z (co-first author), Vizcay-Barrena G, Yang C, Liang W, Zong J, Wilson ZA, Zhang DB. PERSISTENT TAPETAL CELL 1 (PTC1) Encodes a PHD-Finger Protein That Is Required for Tapetal Cell Death and Pollen Development in Rice. Plant Physiology, 2011, 56 (2): 615-630.

10) Yang J, Yuan Z, Meng Q, Huang G, Périn C, Bureau C, Meunier AC, Ingouff M, Bennett M, Ao P, Liang WQ*, Zhang DB*. Dynamic regulation of auxin response during rice development revealed by newly established hormone biosensor markers. Frontiers in Plant Science2017, 8, 256.

11) Zhang DB, Yuan Z. Molecular control of grass inflorescence development. Annual Review of Plant Biology. 2014, 65: 553-578.


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