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12月生,2003年获得山东农业大学理学学士,2008年获得山东大学理学博士。20087月进入上海交通大学生命科学技术学院工作,讲师。201112月晋升副研究员201412月破格晋升教授。研究方向是环境微生物2016年获得教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第二),2013年获得明治乳业生命科学奖主持国家自然科学基金-优秀青年基金上海市青年科技启明星,上海市教委晨光计划,上海交通大学晨星计划仲英青年学者已发表SCI论文60(第一/通讯作者30),如PLoS. Genet.Biotechnol. Adv.Mol. Microbiol.Appl. Environ. Microbiol.J. Bacteriol.J. Biol. Chem.等期刊发表。





1.       2010年入选上海市晨光学者。

2.       2011-2012年度上海交通大学青年岗位能手

3.       2012年获得上海交通大学益海嘉里青年教师奖

4.       2013年入选上海市青年科技启明星计划(A类)。

5.       2014年获得上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划” A类。

6.       2014年获得国家自然基金委优秀青年基金资助。

7.       2016年度获得上海交通大学李兰馨青年教师奖

8.       2016年获得上海交通大学仲英青年学者



1.  Zhang K. Z., Wu G., Tang H. Z*., Hu C. M., Shi T., and Xu P*. 2017. Structural basis for the transcriptional repressor NicR2 in nicotine degradation from Pseudomonas. Mol. Microbiol., 103(1):165-180.

2.   Liu Y. P., Tang H. Z*., Lin Z. L., and Xu P*. 2015(Nov.). Mechanisms of acid tolerance in bacteria and prospects in biotechnology and bioremediation. Biotechnol. Adv. 33(7):1484-92.

3.  Yu H., Tang H. Z*., Li Y. Y., and Ping Xu*. 2015(Dec.). Molybdenum-containing nicotine hydroxylase genes in a nicotine degradation pathway that is a variant of the pyridine and pyrrolidine pathways. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81(24):8330-8338.

4.  Yu H†., Tang H. Z†*. Zhu X. Y., Li Y. Y., and Xu P*. 2015. Molecular mechanism of nicotine degradation by a newly isolated strain Ochrobactrum sp. SJY1. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 81(1):272-281.

5.  Ding J. M., Yu T. T., Han N. Y., Yu J. L., Li J. J., Yang Y. J., Tang X. H., Xu B., Zhou J. P., Tang H. Z*., and Huang Z. X*. 2015 (Nov). Identification and characterization of a new 7-aminocephalosporanic acid deacetylase from thermophilic bacterium Alicyclobacillus tengchongensis. J. Bacteriol. 198(2):311-20.

6.    Wang W. W., Xu P., and Tang H. Z*. 2015. Sustainable production of valuable compound 3-succinoyl-pyridine by genetically engineering Pseudomonas putida using the tobacco waste. Sci. Rep. 5:16411.

7.    Hu H. Y., Wang W. W., Tang H. Z*., and Xu P. 2015. Characterization of pseudooxynicotine amine oxidase of Pseudomonas putida S16 that is crucial for nicotine degradation. Sci. Rep. 5:17770.

8.    Jiang Y., Tang H. Z*., Wu G., and Xu P. 2015. Functional identification of a novel gene, moaE, for 3-succinoylpyridine degradation in Pseudomonas putida S16. Sci. Rep. 5:13464.

9.    Huang L., Hu H. Y., Tang H. Z*., Liu Y. D., Xu P., Shi J., Lin K. F., Luo Q. S., and Cui C. Z*. 2015. Identification and characterization of a novel gentisate 1,2-dioxygenase gene from a Halophilic Martelella strain. Sci. Rep. 5:14307.

10.  Yao Y. X†., Tang H. Z†, Su F., and Xu P.* 2015. Comparative genome analysis reveals the molecular basis of nicotine degradation and survival capacities of Arthrobacter. Sci. Rep. 5:8642.

11.   Wu G†., Chen D. D†., Tang H. Z†., Ren Y. L., Chen Q. H., Lv Y., Zhang Z. Y., Zhao Y. L*., Yao Y. X., and Xu P.* 2014. Structural insights into the specific recognition of N-heterocycle biodenitrogenation-derived substrates by microbial amide hydrolases. Mol. Microbiol., 91(5):1009-1021.

12.  Tang H. Z., Wang L. J., Wang W. W., Yu H., Zhang K. Z., Yao Y. X., and Xu P.* 2013. Systematic unraveling of the unsolved pathway of nicotine degradation in Pseudomonas. PLoS Genet. 9(10):e1003923.

13.   Chen D. D., Tang H. Z., Lv Y., Zhang Z.Y., Shen K. L., Lin K., Zhao Y. L., Wu G*., and Xu P* 2013(Mar.). Structural and computational studies of the maleate isomerase from Pseudomonas putida S16 reveal a breathing motion wrapping the substrate inside. Mol. Microbiol., 87(6):1237-1244.

14.   Yao Y. X†., Tang H. Z†*., Ren H. X., Yu H., Wang L. J., and Xu P.* 2012(Oct.). Genome sequence of a nicotine-degrading strain of Arthrobacter. J. Bacteriol. 194: 5714-5715.

15.   Tang H. Z., Yao Y. X., Wang L. J., Yu H., Ren Y. L., Wu G., and Xu P.* 2012(Apr.). Genomic analysis of Pseudomonas putida: genes in a genome island are crucial for nicotine degradation. Sci. Rep. 2, 377.

16.   Tang H. Z., Yao Y. X†., Zhang D. K†., Meng X. Z†., Wang L. J†., Yu H†., Ma L. Y., and Xu P., 2011 (Nov.). A Novel NADH-dependent and FAD-containing hydroxylase is crucial for nicotine degradation by Pseudomonas putida. J. Biol. Chem. 286(45):39179-39187.

17.   Tang H. Z†., Yu H†., Li Q. G†., Wang X. Y., Gai Z. H., Yin G. B., Su F., Tao F., Ma C. Q., and Xu P.* 2011(Dec.). Genome sequence of the Pseudomonas putida strain B6-2, a super degrader of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and dioxin-like compounds. J. Bacteriol. 193(23):6789-6790.

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